Leafblower Blues [ g ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 19, 2019 6:28:28 GMT
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A hand gently rustled the brush in passing, the councilman’s fingers caressing the walls, as a way to pass time as well as keep from getting lost.

Mazes were simple to clear, even with time being a factor; all you had to do was keep to a wall and follow it. This was much faster approach than aimlessly wandering about, eventually getting yourself more lost within seemingly shifting walls.

While he could take his time getting through the maze, he had become impatient, nerves always on edge and forcing him to keep moving even when he aimed to relax. It was not the fault of the gym’s layout, but Kim found spending even a second longer within the maze to be less than a pleasing experience.

So he rushed through, finding himself at the exit quickly, a wave shot towards Cait.

Hello there Kay~

He spoke in a floaty tone, brushing a few stray leaves off his shoulder gently as he approached, a rhythmic pattern of steps made as he approached.

Can I get the badge for clearing the maze that quickly?

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POSTED ON Jun 22, 2019 4:47:35 GMT
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cait raised her head, the young woman having maintained a kneeling position for roughly an hour now. she had been in the midst of prayer when kim had made his entrance, having neglected such an age old practice as of late. 


she blinked at the man, bemused by his choice of words before she cocked her head to the side.

you want a badge?"

from her perspective, she had never considered kim to be someone who concerned themselves with gym-related activities. perhaps he derived a fair amount of interest in its political and military functions but there was no need for him to put forth the effort to acquire a badge. 


she unfolded her legs, shifting until she was comfortably settled upon her round posterior. cait appeared to be garbed in favorite blue dress and little else, her feet and arms bare and her toes made to wiggle as they prickled uncomfortably from numbness. 

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POSTED ON Jun 22, 2019 12:03:49 GMT
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Bored I guess.

A simple explanation, nothing more nothing less, but he assumed more context was needed. So he would offhandedly explain as he moved forward, kneeling down in front of her, grabbing hold of her legs; massaging her feet to rid them of assumed pins and needles.

I get word from gym leaders all the time, reports written, complains given, so on and so forth, but never have I gotten to see them in action. So, I decided that I’d set aside some time to visit you all and see what you have to offer.

Of course I don’t expect you to divert from the norm- this might prick a tick-” He paused as he pressed into the pit of her foot, continuing after the brief halt. “-the normal that you offer to up and coming trainers, but I expect a challenge. I don’t want you to hold back at my expense.

The massaging would come to a stop, and with his handy work completed he would come to a stand, wiping the dirt from his knees and offering her a hand up.

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POSTED ON Jun 22, 2019 19:48:19 GMT
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"so you're looking to satiate some newfound curiosity of yours?"

she hummed as the councilman massaged sensation back into her feet, the incredulous expression she wore quickly replaced by one that reflected her satisfaction. cait allowed herself to be helped into a standing position afterwards, giving kim's hand an affectionate squeeze prior to releasing him. 

alright," she said. 

cait stretched as she spoke, her tone saturated by a curious warmth. 

i'll call up my pokemon in the usual way and we'll begin.

it had taken her companions a handful of minutes to respond to her call, the pokemon gathering en masse. cait positioned herself appropriately on her side of the field as they did so, deciding against excess ceremony in favor of quickly beginning the match. 

maganium? can you have chikorita come out?

the hefty grass-type happily shoved her offspring forward, forcing the young pokemon to cross one of the narrow bridges and make his way onto the field. he was a trembling mess by the time he situated himself before cait, his eyes round with alarm and his lips trembling.

this will be a three on three," she said, appearing to ignore her pokemon's discomfort. "traditional rules apply and there will be no switching. you're welcome to make the first move.

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2019 10:31:57 GMT
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When the proper time was made he would remove hand sanatizer from his back pocket, squeezing a dab into his hand before returning it to it’s proper place, a quick kneading of his hands together ridding them of any filth that had accumulated from the massage; his eyes following her as she took her place, calling forth her first pokemon.

A three on three-” He mimicked quietley to himself, hovering a hand over pokeballs as he thought to himself. Another hand rubbed at his chin, quietly contemplating his team before he smiled, tapping a button and releasing a Teddiursa, the little bear yawning as it examined its surroundings.

Uaid, BELLY DRUM, then REST.

The Teddiursa followed orders, slamming it’s stubby hands onto it’s belly as it let out a powerful roar, then quickly nodding off, falling on it’s bum, leaning forward slightly.

So, I’ve always wondered. How does Celebi taste?

You pray to it for good harvest and things along those lines, right? And to your knowledge, it delivers. Do they taste a certain way because of Celebi’s grace?

Teddiursa's Attack Maxed
Sleep active for 4 turns

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2019 17:59:34 GMT
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cait blinked. 

excuse me?"

perhaps it was the first portion of the inquiry that left the woman bemused despite the second part being comparably more sensible. but she was absolutely certain that he had been purposeful with his wording and her brows furrowed lightly because of it. 

why're you so curious about celebi?

she'd decide to counter his question with her own, a hint of a frown tugging at the corners of her lips as she eyed the man. 

you don't seem like you'd be even a little bit interested in my religion, kim. no offense.

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najwa essam
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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2019 3:58:58 GMT
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You’re right Cait, I’m not entirely interested in your religion, but I find you very interesting, and because of that I find myself edging towards your interest.

A hand set itself onto his hip as he looked to her, his features unfurling as a soft smile set itself onto his lips.

So Cait, I’m relying on you once more to teach me what I do not know.

How. Does Celebi. Taste?

The Teddiursa slouched over moreso, catching himself before falling face first into the ground, the cub’s upright posture struggling in its sleep.

Teddiursa's Attack Maxed
Sleep active for 3 turns

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2019 4:16:46 GMT
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there was a multitude of reasons to dislike the councilman - at least from her perspective. but she found herself far more intrigued than annoyed, kim proving himself to be capable of preventing her from outright disliking him in any way, shape or form. 

'i don't know how he does it,' she marveled. 

she succeeded at maintaining a facade of mild irritation, the young woman arching a brow after a lengthy stretch of silence had come and gone; the sound filled with the soft snores of kim's bear. her chikorita fidgeted uncomfortably for the entirety of its duration, his wide-eyed gaze flitting between kim, teddiursa and cait.

i don't know."

cait gave a shrug, deciding to dismiss the question in its entirety. 

'it's a silly question and i'm against dignifying it with a response.' 

and what does it matter, either way? our clan takes what we are given."

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najwa essam
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let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2019 4:58:01 GMT
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What do you mean you don’t know? You eat what Celebi nurtures don’t you? Do you not take the time to taste what you harvest?

Though he would not admit it aloud, he thought it was pretty ungrateful to not give the pokemon’s work it’s dues by thoroughly enjoying what it has so graciously bestowed upon her.

You have to have some sort of recollection of what it taste like. Onion? A hint of Lum of Aguav? Or is it a sort of thing where what you taste is more expressive in its flavor?

Honestly, the battle was the last of his worries, more concerned with the intricacies of Celebi’s blessing than a badge with little to no meaning to him or his pokemon.

Teddiursa's Attack Maxed
Sleep active for 2 turns

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2019 10:50:59 GMT
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cait's eyes narrowed. 

are you being obtuse on purpose?"

there was a pause that was accompanied by a look edged with suspicion.

this has to be more than you taking a sudden interest in my personal beliefs, kim," she said. 

was there a chance that he was aware of her interactions with her respective god. 

'there's only two league-affiliated individuals who know,' she thought. 'and that's and .' 

she doubted either would share her - admittedly - poorly kept secret with the councilman. 

'would they?' 

cait resisted the urge to gnaw at her lip, her mask of mild annoyance slipping for a moment to reveal her worry. 

'and then there were those rockets.' 

her chikorita tentatively approached the slumbering bear, prodding at the slumbering form with a pointed toe before hurriedly retreating several steps back. 

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2019 11:25:36 GMT
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A sly smile set itself onto his previously plain lips, his arms crossing onto one another as he set a leg behind another, balancing in place as he assessed her.

I assure you Cait, this is no facade. I’m simply interested in any knowledge that you have to share with me. Is there something about the subject that makes it sensitive to the point you can’t share what you know with me?

It seemed that something as minor as friendly banter begun to stur something up within the gym leader, her composed self unfurling at his seemingly unusual nature. He had to admit, it was a little fun watching her struggle to keep calm.

When it had crossed his mind, he remembered they were currently in a gym battle, the councilman sounding a light, ‘ah’ before issuing a command.

Uaid, Sleep Talk.

The cub would stand, it’s head struggling to stay upright as it lunged at the Chikorita, an incoming Brick Break smashing the ground before the pokemon.


Kim commanded as the cub Slashed upwards, it’s attacks heavy and unrestrained in its slumbering state.

Teddiursa's Attack Maxed
Sleep active for 1 turn

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POSTED ON Jun 26, 2019 16:16:26 GMT
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the attacks delivered upon her chikorita's form startled her out of her distracted state. 


her grass-type was positively reeling, his eyes tightly shut as he backpedaled whilst sporting a smattering of fresh bruises and fresh claw marks.

i plead the fifth," she replied, hopeful that that would be enough to deter the man. 

the young woman's tone became serious, her eyes narrowing as she focused upon her chikorita's pitiful state of being. 

"synthesis," she said. "reflect."

it was a miracle that her inattentiveness hadn't resulted in her pokemon being immediately felled. those strikes the slumbering teddiursa had administered thus far were impressive, after all.

'i'll have to be careful.' 

cait observed in silence as the grass-type healed himself by a decent margin before erecting the shield, still appearing his usual worried self as he obeyed her orders without question.  

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Leafblower Blues [ g ]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2019 14:10:59 GMT
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His smile would be replaced with a sullen look, the woman deciding to take a legal stand on the matter, her silence secured.

Though he did not respect her appeal one bit, choosing to further egg her on.

Is it because your taste buds have atrophied from disuse?

I remember one time you made fried combusken and honestly, it was dry, real dry. And the seasoning was barely noticeable. Can you just not taste Celebi?

He was unaware whether his questions were to prod her further or honest to goodness interest, but he was too far into the pestering to stop now.


He commanded, the half awake Teddiursa springing forth once more, going in for an attack with it’s left paw before attacking with it’s right, the Feint Attack landing with ease. Immediately after it would prepare another Brick Break, its claw bearing down on the grass type before it, its eyes lifting as it did; awake at last.

Teddiursa's Attack Maxed
Feint Attack never misses
Teddiursa Wakes Up

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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 1:37:51 GMT
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"did you just toss a 'fillmore' quote my way? now i know you're messing with me, kim."

cait rolled her eyes, the barest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. she decided not to press onward with the subject - blatantly ignoring it in favor of coaching her grass-type pokemon. the young beast was incapable of avoiding the normal-type's initial attack, but he sloppily dodged the brick break by rapidly backpedaling.

"chikorita," she said. "you need to focus. use magical leaf."

the pokemon blinked rapidly, struggling to do as he was told before he acted; a near abundance of energy-infused leaves originating from the prominent one which jutted out out of his head. 

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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2019 12:01:10 GMT
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He over exaggerates, unsuccessfully hiding his grins.

I’d never mess with you Kay, you should know me better than that.

The multiple leaves chipped away at the bear, his guard up as they scraped at his fur. Once the onslaught stopped he would begin attacking on his own, a dual clawed Slash poising to attack the green pokemon with one hit after another.

If it’s that much of a secret then fine, I won’t bother you about it anymore… for now at least.

He’d chuckle, his arms shrugging as he crossed them over his chest.

But I find it a little funny that you could lose focus over something as little as that. Gym’s are supposed to be a challenge of mind and body, and if you get thrown off guard because of some questioning, it won’t really feel like much of a challenge. The mind portion would be gone with the wind and soon after the body will have been as well.

He had already gotten the upper hand by delaying her for so long. If he were anyone else they might not have been so kind as to hold off on attacking for as long as he did.

Unless this is just another gimmick I’m not understanding. Maybe something on the lines of, ‘ The ditzy garden lady who’s secretly packing heat. ’ ”

Teddiursa's Attack Maxed

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